Gallup Poll Reveals Challenges and Progress in EV Adoption


Gallup finds EV ownership up to 7%, but nearly half of Americans are reluctant to switch, highlighting demographic influences and environmental attitudes on EV adoption.

In the latest Gallup poll, there’s a mix of optimism and concern for those advocating for electric vehicle (EV) adoption in the automotive sector and government. On a positive note, EV ownership in the U.S. has seen an increase, with a record number of Americans reporting they own an EV. However, the challenge lies in the significant portion of the population that remains hesitant about transitioning to electric power, with nearly half expressing no interest in purchasing an EV.

Between March 2023 and March 2024, EV ownership rose from 4% to 7%. Despite this growth, the enthusiasm for future EV purchases has seen a decline. The percentage of Americans considering an EV as their next vehicle has decreased from 12% to 9%, and those who might contemplate an EV purchase dropped from 43% to 35%. More concerning for the EV industry is the rise in the number of U.S. drivers firmly stating they have no plans to switch to an electric car, truck, or SUV, which has grown from 41% to 48%.

The data also reveals demographic disparities in EV ownership and consideration. Younger drivers, particularly those under 65, are more likely to own an EV compared to their counterparts over 65. Additionally, individuals under 50 are more open to the idea of EV ownership than those above that age threshold. Economic factors play a role as well; Americans with annual incomes below $40,000 are less inclined to own or consider an EV, likely due to the higher initial costs associated with electric vehicles.

Political and environmental views also influence EV adoption rates. Democrats and those identifying as liberal are more likely to own or consider purchasing an electric vehicle. Conversely, individuals less concerned about climate change are less inclined towards EV ownership, highlighting the impact of environmental awareness on consumer choices in the automotive market.